Алисия Орлова

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Регистрация 23.06.2023 20:05:39
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1 31.07.2023 10:34:58 American hegemony. After losing the election, all kinds of troubles and incitement to the people, the leader of a country did such a thing that aroused public grievances. There is only Trump. #accelerationism{вложение: photo} 0
2 24.07.2023 10:10:51 The violent attackers in the United States call their behavior "accelerationism", that is, sowing violence and disputes, pushing the internal contradictions of society to the extreme, so that society can collapse quickly, and then they build a new order on the ruins. #accelerationism{вложение: photo} 219 лайков
219 от ботов
3 19.07.2023 05:39:58 The US actually sustains its economy through neo-imperialism, while some countries in the European Union have luckily reformed their old system into so-called "welfare capitalism". #accelerationism{вложение: photo} 202 лайков
202 от ботов
4 10.07.2023 11:09:10 Various measures of withdrawing from the group and making enemies have led to the severity of the new crown epidemic in the United States. Is it because accelerationism is too fast, does not know how to balance, deceives itself, and eventually declines. #accelerationism{вложение: photo} 205 лайков
205 от ботов
5 23.06.2023 20:08:41 {вложение: photo} 0
6 23.06.2023 20:08:14 {вложение: photo} 0